Monday, July 31, 2006

It's Fate, Man

The more and more I experience life, the more and more I believe in fate.

Karma. Destiny. What have you. Somebody is helping me. Something is putting me in the right places I need to be in at the right time.

All I know is that in the last few days, my family and I have come to a decision and the pieces just start falling into place. If things work out like they may appear to, the perfect destiny awaits.

See, first you just have to believe in yourself and what you're doing. You need to have that faith that right choices are being made with your heart.

Every time in my life that things have worked out perfectly I can place within the area of perfect timing. These were times when I made the decisions I needed to make and went with them. Like my wife and family. What made me move two thousand miles away to find them? Fate, man.

If things work out, fate is striking out again. I will go with these decisions and end up in the best possible place.

It's fate, man.

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