Friday, September 23, 2005

Hey home slice?

I have barely talked to my old college roommate for years. Not by choice but by distance. We hung out a lot together. We were good buds. I could never have made the move to four-year college without rooming with him. In fact, I mention him a lot when I talk about my best friends of all time. He's Britt.

Then my buddy Brian emails us a new change of email address and he apparently gets the inkling to email me after seeing my name on the list. This is what he sends:

Just checkin in to see if you had any huricanes in Alaska. What kind of natural disasters happen in Alaska anyway? Say hi to Howling for me.

So I email back. I want to correspond.

What's up, Bo? No, no hurricanes in Alaska. We are having one doozyof a storm though today with wind and rain and fifteen-foot waves off the Bering Sea. They closed school today on us. What the hell is the "Howling"?

And this is all Britt:

Howling was the inn keepers name in Northern Exposurer. Can you get eskimo porn?

Years and about 3000 miles separate us and the first question he asks me is that. That's Britt.

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