Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Word Choice

The other day, one of the students presented his independent lesson to the class. The students were to basically create a character and give three likes and dislikes and write a short piece on what the character does. I am just a student during these lessons; the guest teachers have control of the classroom.

Alysha raised her hand to share. Remember, I am just a student here. The guest teacher called on her to share. She talked about her character, some guy that likes moving his mouth and fornicating, as she made chewing motions with her mouth. There was an uproar of laughter.

"Alysha," I interrupted. "That's 'masticating!'" More laughter. "Those aren't exactly the same things."

Embarrassed, she turned red and put her hands over her face. "Well, they could be the same thing!" Uproarious laughter.

I put my head down on my desk and prayed that I would not be sued.

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