Thursday, June 02, 2005

Taken from on 5-19-05

John Cleese to pen Superman comic

John Cleese is reportedly writing a new Superman comic.
The former Monty Python star has devised a Superman story called True Brit.
The 96-page book is expected out in December next year, according to his agent.
DC Comics editor Mike Carlin told fansite : "It's 'What if Superman's rocketship lands in England and the tabloids chase him away'.
"I have an offer out to an artist, I don't have him confirmed yet, but I think it'll happen."
"How do we get a guy like John Cleese to do a comic book? Because comics are cool, and these guys love our characters. We're not figuring that anyone will say no."
Kim Howard Johnson, Cleese's personal assistant, added: "It's John's first work in the comic book field, and the story will definitely contain some Cleesian touches."

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