Thursday, June 02, 2005

Speaking of John Cleese, I have to talk for a second on the 1970s BBC television show Fawlty Towers created by John Cleese and Connie Booth, both from Monty Python. You'll remember Connie Booth as the witch that got burned at the stake in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975--has it been that long?). My family knows this series like the backs of our hands--literally. My dad, mom, sisters and I know every word. There were only twelve episodes made, and we must have seen each episode at least, and I'm not kidding, one hundred plus times. We finish conversations with a "Fawlty Towers-ism." We can finish each other's thoughts using quotes from the series. This show is that important to my family. I am still trying to get Amy, Morgan, and Madison into it. Amy has realized now what a quote from the show is. I'll get them all to start quoting the show soon too. It is the best situational comedy that TV has ever produced. Since I will be drama club advisor in Nome, I am going to try some of these. Funniest stuff ever. And still funny after 100 viewings! Watch it on PBS the next chance you get!

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