Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I haven't written in a couple of days because I found out on Monday that my position here at Bremerton School District may be subject to RIF. Reduction In Force. I may be RIFed.

So I was just distraught Monday. At least the principal had the guts to tell me personally and not some impersonal note. But he pretty much said get your stuff together because we don't know how deep these cuts will be. I took Tuesday off completely to draw up a new resume and start the online search. You can't just go to one place--each district's website needs to be visited and forms need to be filled out and letters of recommendation need to be begged for and written.

This is my second year in the district, my first year provisional contract. Last year I was on a one-year replacement contract. They haven't had to hire many new people lately.

So I may be cut by the cold and impersonal numbers. I make about half of what the thirty-year teachers do and I'll be cut but that's seniority--if I were in their position I'd agree that newbies get cut first.

Amy is a little freaked out. Who can blame her. There's always subbing, so I won't be out of a job, but I have two kids and a wife. I need those benefits, man.

So I need to look for another district, just in case. Hopefully this is all a moot point because I love Bremerton. I love my coworkers. This may make my family move, to anywhere in Washington State I can find a full-time position. Amy is even looking at the requirements for teaching in other states. Maybe this is the experience that gets me to move again. Maybe Oregon. Maybe Canada. At least Amy's job as a hairdresser can be done anywhere.

So I can't help but think that if they get rid of the position, the thirty-plus kids that are going to be in every classroom. I manage 80 students through three periods. Those will then be dispersed among three other ninth-grade English teachers. They thought performance was down before--now they will see it plummet.

It's only the numbers. Just the numbers.

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