Friday, April 22, 2005


I had the recent 1991 Gulf War, Operation: Desert Storm, and Whitman on my mind with this one.


To war, to war!
Those countries to be bored.
The day is foul and fair of a kind,
A great paradox of the mind.

To war, to war!
O kiss those soldiers goodbye!
For when thou see'st them again,
No longer boys but men.

To war, to war!
O won't they ever learn?
Pity on them all and dear,
Pity they not seek'st me.

To war, to war!
Centuries have not taught.
Or Hitler had not fallen
And Hussein be not in sight.

To war! To war!
O answer me please.
Mom and Dad say, "Stop fighting!"
O can't the world say these?

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