Sunday, April 17, 2005

An Experiment

I had a brainstorm in the shower. I have been wondering how to incorporate weblogs into my classroom structure. It has been working so well in my Masters class and I actually did some work on this idea when I made a presentation with a college professor at the Illinois Association of Teachers of English (IATE) in Champaign, Illinois, in October, 1995. I don't get any credit for it, but " 'Making Connections: Building Classroom Communities with E-Mail,' (panel) Illinois Association of Teachers of English, Champaign, October 1995" is what Dr. Leland calls it on his professional website.

I am going to ask for several volunteers from students I can trust (hopefully I won't need to bribe with extra credit but will if I have to). I will set up a topic on another blog, they will comment and respond, and see how it goes. Hopefully we will create a learning community. I will update with how the experiment goes in the coming weeks.

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