Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sequential story

This doesn't make much sense without the pictures but...I did this my junior year in high school in a very small class. There were only six of us in there so it was very conducive to learning. Our teacher gave us pictures to write little stories on something, whatever we were trying to do that day. Sometimes it was a descriptive paragraph, sometimes it was predicting skills, and sometimes it was sequential ability. For this, she gave us a piece of paper with four pictures on it, and they told a story about a girl sitting on a blanket outside with her dog sitting right there. (It is frickin amazing how much of this I remember in detail right now--absolutely astonishes me). The first three pictures basically had the dog share some of the pop and then the girl laughing in the fourth panel. Here was my sequential story on that.


Rex had been running around all day, to the point where his dry tongue could hang out no further. Little Melissa had sat down long ago. But now the German shepard named Rex needed a little refreshment. He sunk his long black snout into the big bowl of water. It was not what he was seeking. It was warm with a few dying bugs swimming around in it. He looked up and around. Little Melissa, with a cool Coke in her hand, was right next to him. He spied his surroundings again and realized that all grown‑ups were at the hut at the very far of the campsite. With a deep, guttural growl to start, he threatened the poor girl.
"Gimme the pop now, babe!" he said. His voice cracked in three places. She gave Rex the Coke with an open, astonished mouth. She relaxed and began to laugh at the sissy voice that she had heard.

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