Sunday, March 20, 2005

Classes scheduled

My Masters degree is beginning. Classes start April 4th. My first class is Seminar in Poetry. I already have an access code for National University so I can access their online libraries.

I am nervous and excited at the same time. I absolutely must get this done. It's an automatic $5,000 raise on my teacher's salary when it is completed. I want to concentrate on some high level literature critical analysis, not spend it on a stupid masters of education or spend my time languishing with some of the low level stuff I have to teach these ninth graders.

The time commitment is scaring me the most. It's ten classes, about a month a class. They are all online classes so the time will be spent probably later in the evening, after Madison has gone to bed. There will be a lot of reading, and even though I am an English major, I have never been a fast reader.

I want to do this. I am excited about the challenge. I need to concentrate on the challenge not the little hassles it will bring on my life. A Masters degree in English. And then I will go on for my PhD in English. I have always wanted to be called Dr. Butcher, just for the pun on the name alone. The sense of accomplishment this will bring will be enormous.

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