Monday, February 28, 2005

Hitchcock Review: Strangers on a Train

My God, is this a good movie.

Based on a concept that two complete strangers can kill each other's problem and get away with it, this was Hitchcock's finest hour. I'm sorry, I know everybody loves Psycho and Notorious, but Strangers on a Train is Hitchcock's most suspenseful.

First of all, the main actors were very good. The creepy Bruno character that concocts this scheme is deviously mad yet a scary that the viewer could truly feel to be the man next door. The viewer can also truly feel that he or she could wind up in this predicament without the slightest provocation, just being a target of a demented individual.

The best part while watching it again with my wife last night, which was her first time viewing it, watching her jump at the best parts. The scream coming out of the Tunnel of Love is worth the price of admission for the jump. When Bruno strangles the older woman at the party, she exclaimed, "Is he choking that woman!" It's great to see it from fresh eyes while still knowing it very well.

This movie receives my highest possible recommendation.

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