Sunday, October 03, 2004

Revenge the Superhero

Origin: The dead Harry Revenge is taken to the morgue. The "evil scientist" pours his "neo-chemicals" over two dead bodies, Revenge's and Brick's. Brick: recently electrocuted serial killer--neo-chemicals did not go through all the way and hardened his hide.

Note: Did Brick have a previous connection to evil scientist? Was this a set-up?

Revenge comic book

Issue #1

Page 5
3 panels, second one the biggest
Panel one: Close up on gurney that moaned. A hand is pulling off its own sheet--the body is pulling off its own sheet. Dialogue: (Low groaning from under the sheet).
Panel two: Close up on the face that is revealed from under the sheet. The face is HARD. It should look impenetrable, with even the eyes looking rock-like.
Panel three: The Rock-Man (Brick) has recognition in his face as he spies Revenge. He is sneering. Dialogue: YOU!!

Page 6
3 Panels
Panel one: Revenge falls backward over his gurney as Brick lunges for him. Brick dialogue: I'll KILL you! Revenge dialogue: (Sound effect for falling) Whoulphf!
Panel two: Brick has snatched Revenge's gurney and is hefting it over his head easily and is about to bring it down on Revenge as he cowers. It is dark in the room so it shades their nudity. Brick dialogue: I'll kill you this time!
Panel three: Revenge performs a leg sweep on Brick, Brick falls on his rear and gurney crashes on top of him.

Page 7
4 Panels, fourth being the biggest
Panel one: close up of Revenge with surprized look on his face. He has already jumped up into a combat-ready pose. Thought dialogue: Did I do that?
Panel two: Revenge dodges swiftly a massive fist that crashes into the wall.
Panel three: Revenge brings a foot up into Brick's midsection. Brick catches the foot with his hands. Sound effect: Dull thud like kicking a rock.
Panel four: Brick tosses Revenge through the morgue door. Big crash.

Page 8
3 panels
Panel one: Brick coming out of what's left of the door. Dialogue: Hot damn! Super-strength! I hope you ain't dead yet!
Panel two: Side view of Brick coming after Revenge, who is under a pile of slightly moving rubble and the morgue door. There are also two lab techs surprized, frightened, and trying to flee.
Panel three: Revenge coming out of the rubble, looking very surprized. Thought dialogue: That shoulda killed me. And WHO is this guy? Why doe she have it in for me?

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